One Year in Burundi

20180826_180320Month one:  So much construction at Discovery School, as you can see above.  And little funds, so the scaffolding stayed up all year as we waited for God to bring more provision. My own special education project just under construction as well…


Now:  The same building, slowly evolving.  Prayerfully, the scaffolding will all come down this year! Praise God for what He is doing.  My special education project is slowly starting to settle as well, as we help students from kindergarten to 10th grade in a school with well over 1000 students.


Month four: Working with Bible teacher Achim in the 9th grade classroom.  It was a spur of the moment invitation for me to join him in the Bible class, and became an everyday thing.


Month six to now: Because of my time with the Bible class, I ended up having a separate Why Wait Bible study with 7 of the 9th grade girls, and even giving all the 9th grade girls chances to spend the night at my house–in 3 groups.  The Bible study will continue with these girls who are now 10th graders, and I will join teacher Achim in his Bible class again, with the new 9th graders.



Month eight: I was given the opportunity to speak at a church event for young ladies–from teens to 20’s (unmarried).  It was rough as it was the first time I had a translator and the power kept cutting out.  I praise God I was able to speak on letting everything that has breath praise the Lord–no matter what!


Month eleven: As I shared in my last blog, I was able to speak again, this time on unity as opposed to rejection.  It was with women from a church on a hilltop here in Burundi.  I thank God for that opportunity, as it was such a privilege to unite with these women.



I praise God for this year, but really have to close with the blessing of friends and those who let me speak into their lives and pray with.  Achim and Geova have become so precious to me, as they allow me to mentor and just love them where they’re at.  Both have such a love for God, and have been such a support to me here, helping to ease the pain of my own children being so far away.  We are kindred spirits, and God knew what He was doing when He brought them to me!

I don’t know what this coming year will hold, but I yield it to God.  He can surprise me!  And I’ll be sure to share with you what all I learn along the way.  May He do the same with you, where you are at.